The CITYSOLAR Consortium
The CITYSOLAR consortium consists of 9 participating institutions from 4 European countries. The consortium was carefully assembled in order to combine the key expertise, patent ownership of key technologies, knowledge and resources required to fulfil the project’s overarching aim of developing the CITYSOLAR semi-transparent multi-junction PV device. In line with the relatively low initial TRL levels of 1-2, there is a clear emphasis on research excellence with 4 renowned universities in the field (FAU, UNITOV, SDU and KAUST), two national research centres (CNR and CNRS-IPVF), two large company specialised in the energy field and life cycle assessment (ENI, EDF) and a SMEs specialised in functional materials (BM). The partners have a large IP protection of the innovation that this project will exploit and advance, from functional and materials for OPV (BM and ENI) to perovskite, OPV devices (FAU, UNITOV). In particular FAU has the world record for OPV module efficiency while UNITOV the one for mechanically stacked perovskite/silicon. This will guarantee a clear path towards to radically new development of renewable energy sources and its future exploitation at commercial level.
Our International Team
The CITYSOLAR consortium includes also beneficiaries from outside of the EU, specifically BM (Canada) and KAUST (Saudi Arabia) which are important to achieve the objectives of the project due to their expertise and role in the project as energy material developers. They will collaborate with the other partners of the project, especially ENI and CNR involved in material developments in the spirit of MISSION INNOVATION, being both country Canada and Saudi Arabia members of this organization.
Get informed about CITYSOLAR development
Project started on 1st December 2020